Monday, January 21, 2013

I have been feeling like I need to write my journey of healing my body. It has been quite the last five years and I need to write it down somewhere. I feel so good about where I am headed with my body! I am excited to be able to use my blog once again to write down my up's and down's concerning my healing! Here we go!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Finally Finished!!

After buying this kit of Santa in a Blue Roadster, it took exactly 1 1/2 years to finish it. Kirt did not think I would finish it. I was sooooo happy today to be able to finish this fun Christmas Picture. I did tell Kirt however that if I hadn't broke my leg it probably wouldn't be finished. I really was able to make great progress sitting on the couch for 12 weeks working on it. It kept my mind busy and now I have a great accomplishment to show for it. Ya Hoo!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Grandpa's Birthday

We had such a great time yesterday. We spent the day with Kirt's family. Donnie's 69 birthday. I enjoyed so much visiting with him. Everytime I go I learn from him. Donnie has been suffereing cancer for 3 years and he does suffer with an amazing attitude. He is so grateful and loves everyone around him. Last visit I had a feeling to ask him about his life. He was fun to listen to about how he loves dogs, his favorite color is either green or blue. He said the thing he misses the most is fishing with his grandkids. He LOVED his job, and couldn't tell me how many houses he built. I am sure he could drive me around the cache valley and show me every house he built or remodeled. Let alone the hand that he had in our own home here in Wy. Donnie has many friends and loves to go to Angie's for his daily visits with his friends and who ever else happens into Angie's for the morning. My own uncle has met him there many times. There were 60 people at his birthday party yesterday, which shows the effect he is having on the many lives around him. He has always given great service to those around him and even though not feeling the best is still serving and loving the people around him. There are many more things I could say about this man, but for today Happy Birthday Donnie and maybe next year we will 70 people at Golden Corral for your 70th birthday.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I can't believe I let this sit for 1 year. I think I will try again. I haven't taken many pictures and so I will do a quick review for the year of 2010.

The 1st half of the year was great!!

2-HS Senior stuff, homecoming skit, planning graduation party
3-still writing to a missionary son
4-helping get sheep for 4-H
5-enjoying a grandson

About from graduation on is still in the questionable, challenging state:
1- May29 graduation morning, running around, doing laundry and fell on the bottom step, broke my leg. A Tibea Plateu Break to be exact. Go ahead cringe at the thought of that kind of break. Every dr. and every pysical therapist I told, did. I enjoyed graduation even if I was in a bit of shock( I recoginize that now) I had the softest seat in the house thanks to my sister-in -law being a teacher. She brought me her chair and I put my leg up and on the front row so the whole little town could see that I had injured myself AGAIN. Oh well!! The speaker was great.
Chad Hymas, he was in a wheelchair and since I was on his level , he talked to me alot. I enjoyed him.
2-Surgery with 2 screw put in my leg 1 week later, June 7th. I have a great dr. who got to add to my knee another scar. However since he cringed at this break, he had another team dr who helped him. He did a GREAT job and now I can put no weight bear for 12 weeks......LONG summer right. WRONG!!
3- First of July comes along I am healing and the Stake President calls. Wants to meet with us.
Kirt is called to be the Bishop and is sustained on July 11, 2010.
4-Start PT the end of August, and I don't finish until the 1st of Nov.
5- Got 3rd daughter to college, 2nd child returns from Brazil Mission, 1st daughter is expecting again our 2nd grandchild (due in June) and got through fair with 2 sheep!!
6- Still adjusting to a Bishop in the house, Hysterectomy for me on Dec. 7 finally decided to quit fighting it after 2 years, bit the bullet, plus insurance was already paid. Uggg....down again for a few more weeks.
7- 3rd daughter now home for her "summer" BYU-I has a great plan. 2nd started school today at BYU-I sending 4th to Washington DC soon, and 1st is still happy being a mom.

Life is an adventure.....I have learned to just take the challenges as they come. And not to get to worked up about them. Hopefully, I can keep up with my blog this really is a great way to journal.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My missionay son

Just wanted to post a picture of Shaun on his mission. He is doing so well. I think he will be easy enough to pick out.He is on the back row look hard.

The Park

So I just didn't think I could let this one pass by. My little Eric is quite the young man. I just was amazed at him last night. He has taken on a project, (a little bit even over my head.) to build a park close by our house. He got on some architect program and drew out plans. We then met with a member of the town council and picked out equipment for this park.

I (as his secretary) then went to alot of buisnesses in town and got bids for this park. We had to put 10 packets together. Eric then presented this in front of 10 people, in a white shirt and tie. Boy, was I amazed (well not really, this boy just came to earth this way) okay, I was VERY proud, the right way I hope. He conducted himself like a professional. And, were they impressed?!! Oh, Yeah, they were very impressed with this young man. They said he was probably their youngest presenter and to come all dressed up in a tie? Awesome!!

Eric then left that meeting and grab the other packet and went straight to the town council and presented the same plan and let them know that he had just asked for $80, 502 REAL dollars to put this park together. WOW!!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sheep Adventures

I am not sure why today, it really struck me. I have lived here almost all my life and just never got into the cowboy, ranching part of it, but just today I decided I must really be a true native of this state thanks to my sons.

A few years ago, my oldest son decided to take pigs for a 4-H project.What an adventure. Honestly, if it hadn't been for some great friends, I am not so sure I could have survived such an adventure. My friends had it all under control, I think?, well, how can you really have pigs under control. But not only did we finish one year, we ended up doing several years of pig 4-H, and we truely do have some great memories of our friends and pig adventures.

Now my youngest son has decided to do a sheep 4-H project!! What a laugh, do I know a thing about sheep........NO, not a lick, except that they seem a bit calmer than pigs! So these little lambs have to be purchased before April. What am I thinking?? But, once again thank goodness for helpers. My lil brother and sister in law this time!! They know a ton!! We have to get a pen ready and food and all the equipment and....and.....and.

Kirt tells me today, you are a better person than me to take on all the projects you do.

I told him, not better.......just creating memories!!! Wish us luck!!!!