Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My missionay son

Just wanted to post a picture of Shaun on his mission. He is doing so well. I think he will be easy enough to pick out.He is on the back row look hard.

The Park

So I just didn't think I could let this one pass by. My little Eric is quite the young man. I just was amazed at him last night. He has taken on a project, (a little bit even over my head.) to build a park close by our house. He got on some architect program and drew out plans. We then met with a member of the town council and picked out equipment for this park.

I (as his secretary) then went to alot of buisnesses in town and got bids for this park. We had to put 10 packets together. Eric then presented this in front of 10 people, in a white shirt and tie. Boy, was I amazed (well not really, this boy just came to earth this way) okay, I was VERY proud, the right way I hope. He conducted himself like a professional. And, were they impressed?!! Oh, Yeah, they were very impressed with this young man. They said he was probably their youngest presenter and to come all dressed up in a tie? Awesome!!

Eric then left that meeting and grab the other packet and went straight to the town council and presented the same plan and let them know that he had just asked for $80, 502 REAL dollars to put this park together. WOW!!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sheep Adventures

I am not sure why today, it really struck me. I have lived here almost all my life and just never got into the cowboy, ranching part of it, but just today I decided I must really be a true native of this state thanks to my sons.

A few years ago, my oldest son decided to take pigs for a 4-H project.What an adventure. Honestly, if it hadn't been for some great friends, I am not so sure I could have survived such an adventure. My friends had it all under control, I think?, well, how can you really have pigs under control. But not only did we finish one year, we ended up doing several years of pig 4-H, and we truely do have some great memories of our friends and pig adventures.

Now my youngest son has decided to do a sheep 4-H project!! What a laugh, do I know a thing about sheep........NO, not a lick, except that they seem a bit calmer than pigs! So these little lambs have to be purchased before April. What am I thinking?? But, once again thank goodness for helpers. My lil brother and sister in law this time!! They know a ton!! We have to get a pen ready and food and all the equipment and....and.....and.

Kirt tells me today, you are a better person than me to take on all the projects you do.

I told him, not better.......just creating memories!!! Wish us luck!!!!